Mobile sensor app coreVIEWER

The intuitive mobile app for measuring and configuring core sensing sensors, measurement amplifiers and IoT gateways.

coreVIEWER | Sensor App | core sensing

The coreVIEWER app is the heart of our IoT sensor platform. It is available free of charge in the Google Playstore or Apple App Store and is intuitive to use. coreVIEWER is the direct interface between the smart sensors and users and makes all measured variables visible via various graphs and tools. In addition, all settings and configurations of the sensor nodes and IoT gateways are made via the app.

coreVIEWER in short portrait

  • Overview of all available sensors
  • Simultaneous connection with up to 4 sensor nodes
  • Live display of measurement data
  • Configuring sensor nodes and gateway
  • Starting, ending and displaying recordings
  • Creation of your own dashboards
  • Setting threshold values and events

Download for Android and iPhone

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Save measurement data directly to smartphone & tablet

By activating logging, the measured values are saved directly to the internal memory of your smartphone / tablet and can be exported as a .csv file. In logging mode, measurement data can also be saved without an existing Bluetooth connection. The internal flash memory of the coreLIME or coreIN measurement amplifier is used for this purpose.

... the sensors and sensor nodes

  • Defining and changing the names of the sensors/sensor nodes
  • Taring of measured values
  • Entering and changing the calibration values
  • Setting the data rate
  • Firmware update

... the gateways

  • Configuration of the analog outputs
  • Scaling values
  • Connection rules
  • Firmware update

coreVIEWER Custom Dashboard

Get a quick picture! As soon as you connect a torque or force sensor, all measured variables of a sensory component are clearly displayed in the dashboard, making it easy to keep an eye on the most important measured values of different components. In custom mode, you can display exactly the measured variables that are of particular interest to you - from up to four measuring amplifiers simultaneously.

  • View as line chart
  • Live value as digital display
  • Min/max/average value for adjustable period
  • Tare
  • Register change between connected sensors
  • Planning and starting the recording of measurement data

Line Chart

Display of the temporal course of the relevant measured variable in order to compare several sensors with each other at the same time.

coreVIEWER_Radial Gauge Chart

Radial Gauge Chart

Display of the sensor values in a circular and tachometer-like diagram that shows the current value in relation to the maximum and minimum value.

coreVIEWER_Number Widget Chart

Number Widget Chart

Display of the sensor values in a numerical diagram.

Picture Widget Chart

Display of images or symbols for a professional and customer-oriented presentation of sensor data.

Linear Gauge Chart

Display of the value range in a linear bar, which shows the current measured value in relation to the maximum and minimum value.

Button Widget Chart

Display of interactive buttons as graphic elements that are linked to specific actions in the app.

Learn more smart products

Do you have questions about coreVIEWER? Or how our smart sensor app coreVIEWER could be interesting for your application? We will be happy to answer them!